We’ve been scrimping, saving, scratching, clawing, sawing, soldering, hammer & nailing changes to our indoor dining area to better make a space designed to bring family & friends together into a place that also keeps them socially distant. We’ve also been doing similar to help prepare our menu & staff for these changes into new, new world.
Because of all the changes we’ve crazy Ivan-ed, we don’t have any weekly specials this week. Though, to some who’ve been asking, the conversion of our menu from a Carry Out-only back into a full-service menu will feel like specials in spots.
As you look down our menu, you’ll see for the first time since the Shelter-In Place restrictions first took affect, we have Ribs as an a-la-carte item.
- Half Rack: $18
- Full Rack: $29.

They’ll be available on Rib Nights: which are Thursday, Friday, & Saturday starting at 4pm.
Yak, Fette, all our burgers?
They’re all back as well as our Quesadillas and our vast selections of craft beers & ciders.
For more information on our menus:
Please visit our website’s menu page or check our our menu on our Facebook page. They both typically are updated at the same time, which during these times, has been weekly.
And, thank you for grinning & bearing it through these times with us.
Your support has kept us sane and hopeful. Here’s to hoping this slow march towards normacly remains steady & true.
Till then: #DineInDineOn.