This morning it was announced that our home county, Tillamook County, has been approved for Phase 1 re-opening.
It would appear we are slowly moving back into a semblance of what used to be our normal. It’s still a long time coming for those days of seemingly yore, but there is a little bit of comfort in knowing we will be able to connect with so many of you again.
That being said, we are also nervous and unsure of how all of this will play out.
- Will an increase in foot traffic rise the pandemic rates?
- Will we be overrun with customers to a point that our control of regulations will be compromised?
- Will nobody show up?
We just don’t know, but believe me, we can’t wait to get back up and running while simultaneously remaining thoughtful, measured, & diligent.
It’s a lot of new territory to explore, a lot more balls to juggle in the air.
So, for at least this weekend and possibly next week, we will take things slow.
At this time we will not be opening dining inside, but we are preparing our outside patio for safe social distancing.
We appreciate everyone that has supported us through this unprecedented time.
We have all been navigating a difficult and surreal moment in history.
And we thank you for your patience and understanding as we carefully move forward.

- Team Bistro