With Christmas Even on Thursday and Christmas Day on Friday, we’re shifting our already shifted hours.
We’re keeping it simple:
- Wednesday: 2020-12-23: Noon-7pm (soft close)
- Thursday: Christmas Eve: Noon-4pm (harder close)
- Friday: Christmas Day: Closed (very hard close)
- Saturday: 2020-12-26: Noon-7pm (soft close)

We are still stuck on Takeout / Carry-out Restrictions this week per the state of Oregon, and to our understanding, the remainder of 2020 will be this way.
But, hey, this is a time to celebrate what we have while we have it.
For if 2020 taught us anything, is that it can all change in a moment.
Hug the ones you can hug – if you’d like.
Air high-five the rest – if you you choose to.
And say, “Thank you,” to everyone whole helped you make it to this point, if you feel so compelled.
Following such a cue: Thank you, once again, Bistro Nation.
We’re still bobbing & weaving, along with our fellow establishments.
And, Happy Holidays!

As our Whovian neighbors like to quote to keep spirits high.
The Doctor: ‘Off on a little trip I should think.’
“A Christmas Carol.” Doctor Who. Episode 213. Originally aired December 25, 2010. Written by Stephen Moffat.
Amy Pond: ‘Where?’
Doctor: ‘Christmas.’
Amy: ‘Christmas?’
Doctor: ‘Yeah! Christmas…Halfway out of the dark.’